Flight seat manufacturer ZIM Aircraft Seating turns Thursday into Friday

Immenstaad am Bodensee, November 14, 2022
The aviation industry is recovering, demand for aircraft seats is increasing and our overall situation is characterized by drastically increased energy costs and record inflation: In order to support its employees as a partner employer, ZIM Aircraft Seating is reducing working hours with full pay and moving to a 4-day week. The new working time model at the ZIM locations in Immenstaad am Bodensee and in Markdorf provides that employees will have every second Friday off from next year. Mobile working and the elimination of core working hours create additional flexibility.

“We turn Thursday into Friday and allow ourselves a long weekend every other week. We are very pleased that we are redesigning the working week with new approaches and that our current economic situation also allows us to proactively accommodate our employees,” says ZIM managing director Sven Achilles. “We know that many of our employees are suffering greatly from the sharp increase in living costs, heating, but also the daily commute to work. For this reason, we paid out an inflation bonus to all employees back in July and are planning another one for December. We will continue to pay an inflation premium in 2023 and, depending on how the overall situation continues to develop, we want to increase salaries accordingly in the coming year. With these voluntary measures, we want, on the one hand, to recognize the commitment of our employees to the company and to enable a high degree of flexibility. On the other hand, we also want to give them an incentive to continue to shape the future of ZIM Aircraft Seating as committed employees.
About ZIM Aircraft Seating
ZIM Aircraft Seating GmbH develops and produces economy, premium economy and business class seats for commercial passenger aircraft. The main customers are renowned international airlines and aircraft manufacturers. The head office is located in Immenstaad on Lake Constance, and production is located in nearby Markdorf. Since the end of February 2020, the company has been majority-owned by the AURELIUS Group, an asset manager active throughout Europe with offices in Munich, London, Stockholm, Madrid, Amsterdam, Milan and Luxembourg.